Load Balancer


Many of the examples in this document use two cloud servers as nodes for the load balancer. The variables $serverOne and $serverTwo refer to these two cloud servers.

Create Load Balancer

The first step is to instantiate an empty object, like so:

$loadBalancer = $service->loadBalancer();

In essence, all a load balancer does is evenly distribute traffic between various back-end nodes - which can be Compute or Database instances. So we will need to add a few when creating our load balancer:

$serverOneNode = $loadBalancer->node();
$serverOneNode->address = $serverOne->addresses->private[0]->addr;
$serverOneNode->port = 8080;
$serverOneNode->condition = 'ENABLED';

$serverTwoNode = $loadBalancer->node();
$serverTwoNode->address = $serverTwo->addresses->private[0]->addr;
$serverTwoNode->port = 8080;
$serverTwoNode->condition = 'ENABLED';

All that remains is apply final configuration touches, such as name and the port number, before submitting to the API:

    'name'      => 'My load balancer',
    'port'      => 80,
    'protocol'  => 'HTTP',
    'nodes'     => array($serverOneNode, $serverTwoNode),
    'algorithm' => 'ROUND_ROBIN',

For a full list of available protocols and algorithms please see the sections below.

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Get Load Balancer Details

You can retrieve a single load balancer’s details by using its ID:

/** @var $loadBalancer OpenCloud\LoadBalancer\Resource\LoadBalancer **/
$loadBalancer = $service->loadBalancer('{loadBalancerId}');

List Load Balancers

You can retrieve a list of all your load balancers:

$loadBalancers = $service->loadBalancerList();

foreach ($loadBalancers as $loadBalancer) {
    /** @var $loadBalancer OpenCloud\LoadBalancer\Resource\LoadBalancer **/

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Update a Load Balancer

You can update one or more of the following load balancer attributes:

  • name: The name of the load balancer
  • algorithm: The algorithm used by the load balancer to distribute traffic amongst its nodes. See also: Load balancing algorithms.
  • protocol: The network protocol used by traffic coming in to the load balancer. See also: Protocols.
  • port: The network port on which the load balancer listens for incoming traffic.
  • halfClosed: Enable or Disable Half-Closed support for the load balancer.
  • timeout: The timeout value for the load balancer to communicate with its nodes.
  • httpsRedirect: Enable or disable HTTP to HTTPS redirection for the load balancer. When enabled, any HTTP request will return status code 301 (Moved Permanently), and the requestor will be redirected to the requested URL via the HTTPS protocol on port 443. For example, http://example.com/page.html would be redirected to https:// example.com/page.html. Only available for HTTPS protocol (port = 443), or HTTP Protocol with a properly configured SSL Termination (`secureTrafficOnly=true, securePort=443). See also: SSL Termination.
    'name'      => 'New name',
    'algorithm' => 'ROUND_ROBIN'

Remove Load Balancer

When you no longer have a need for the load balancer, you can remove it:


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When a load balancer is created a network protocol must be specified. This network protocol should be based on the network protocol of the back-end service being load balanced. Common protocols are HTTP, HTTPS and MYSQL. A full list is available here.

List Load Balancing Protocols

You can list all supported network protocols like so:

$protocols = $service->protocolList();

foreach ($protocols as $protocol) {
    /** @var $protocol OpenCloud\LoadBalancer\Resource\Protocol **/


Load balancers use an algorithm to determine how incoming traffic is distributed amongst the back-end nodes. A full list is available here.

List Load Balancing Algorithms

You can programmatically list all supported load balancing algorithms:

$algorithms = $service->algorithmList();

foreach ($algorithms as $algorithm) {
    /** @var $algorithm OpenCloud\LoadBalancer\Resource\Algorithm **/