Object Store v1


Rackspace setup

The first step is to pass in your credentials and set up a client. For Rackspace users, you will need your username and API key:

use OpenCloud\Rackspace;

$client = new Rackspace(Rackspace::US_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT, array(
  'username' => '{username}',
  'apiKey'   => '{apiKey}',

OpenStack setup

If you’re an OpenStack user, you will also need to prove a few other configuration parameters:

$client = new OpenCloud\OpenStack('{keystoneUrl}', array(
  'username' => '{username}',
  'password' => '{apiKey}',
  'tenantId' => '{tenantId}',

Object Store service

Now to instantiate the Object Store service:

$service = $client->objectStoreService('{catalogName}', '{region}', '{urlType}');
  • {catalogName} is the name of the service as it appears in the service catalog. OpenStack users must set this value. For Rackspace users, a default will be provided if you pass in null.
  • {region} is the region the service will operate in. For Rackspace users, you can select one of the following from the supported regions page.
  • {urlType} is the type of URL to use, depending on which endpoints your catalog provides. If omitted, it will default to the public network.



The portion of the system designated for your use. An Object Store system is typically designed to be used by many different customers, and your user account is your portion of it.
A storage compartment that provides a way for you to organize data. A container is similar to a folder in Windows or a directory in UNIX. The primary difference between a container and these other file system concepts is that containers cannot be nested.
A system of distributed servers (network) that delivers web pages and other web content to a user based on the geographic locations of the user, the origin of the web page, and a content delivery server.
Optional information that you can assign to Cloud Files accounts, containers, and objects through the use of a metadata header.
An object (sometimes referred to as a file) is the unit of storage in an Object Store. An object is a combination of content (data) and metadata.