Migrating containers across regions

Currently, there exists no single API operation to copy containers across geographic endpoints. Although the API offers a COPY operation for individual files, this does not work for cross-region copying. The SDK, however, does offer this functionality.

You will be charged for bandwidth between regions, so it’s advisable to use ServiceNet where possible (which is free).


  • You must install the full Guzzle package, so that the process can take advantage of Guzzle’s batching functionality (it allows parallel requests to be batched for greater efficiency). You can do this by running:
composer require guzzle/guzzle
  • Depending on the size and number of transfer items, you will need to raise PHP’s memory limit:
ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
  • You will need to enact some kind of backoff/retry strategy for rate limits. Guzzle comes with a convenient feature that just needs to be added as a normal subscriber:
use Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin;

// set timeout in secs
$timeout = 10;

// set HTTP error codes
$httpErrors = array(500, 503, 408);

$backoffPlugin = BackoffPlugin::getExponentialBackoff($timeout, $httpErrors);

This tells the client to retry up to 10 times for failed requests have resulted in these HTTP status codes: 500, 503 or 408.


You can access all this functionality by executing:

$ordService = $client->objectStoreService('cloudFiles', 'ORD');
$iadService = $client->objectStoreService('cloudFiles', 'IAD');

$oldContainer = $ordService->getContainer('old_container');
$newContainer = $iadService->getContainer('new_container');

$iadService->migrateContainer($oldContainer, $newContainer);

It’s advisable to do this process in a Cloud Server in one of the two regions you’re migrating to/from. This allows you to use privateURL as the third argument in the objectStoreService methods like this:

$client->objectStoreService('cloudFiles', 'IAD', 'privateURL');

This will ensure that traffic between your server and your new IAD container will be held over the internal Rackspace network which is free.


You can pass in an array of arguments to the method:

$options = array(
    'read.batchLimit'  => 100,
    'read.pageLimit'   => 100,
    'write.batchLimit' => 50

$iadService->migrateContainer($oldContainer, $newContainer, $options);

Options explained

Name Description Default
read.pageLimit When the process begins, it has to collect all the files that exist in the old container. It does this through a conventional objectList method, which calls the PaginatedIterator. This iterator has the option to specify the page size for the collection (i.e. how many items are contained per page in responses from the API) 10,000
read.batchLimit After the data objects are collected, the process needs to send an individual GET request to ascertain more information. In order to make this process faster, these individual GET requests are batched together and sent in parallel. This limit refers to how many of these GET requests are batched together. 1,000
write.batchLimit Once each file has been retrieved from the API, a PUT request is executed against the new container. Similar to above, these PUT requests are batched - and this number refers to the amount of PUT requests batched together. 100