
Create a volume

To create a volume, you must specify its size (in gigabytes). All other parameters are optional:

// Create instance of OpenCloud\Volume\Resource\Volume
$volume = $service->volume();

    'size'                => 200,
    'volume_type'         => $service->volumeType('<volume_type_id>'),
    'display_name'        => 'My Volume',
    'display_description' => 'Used for large object storage'

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List volumes

$volumes = $service->volumeList();

foreach ($volumes as $volume) {
    /** @param $volumeType OpenCloud\Volume\Resource\Volume */

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Get details on a single volume

If you specify an ID on the volume() method, it retrieves information on the specified volume:

$volume = $dallas->volume('<volume_id>');
echo $volume->size;

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To delete a volume


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Attach a volume to a server

// retrieve server
$computeService = $client->computeService('{catalogName}', '{region}');
$server = $computeService->server('{serverId}');

// attach volume
$server->attachVolume($volume, '{mountPoint}')

The {mountPoint} is the location on the server on which to mount the volume (usually /dev/xvhdd or similar). You can also supply 'auto' as the mount point, in which case the mount point will be automatically selected for you. auto is the default value for {mountPoint}, so you do not actually need to supply anything for that parameter.

Detach a volume from a server
