

In order to work with messages, you must first retrieve a queue by its name:

$queue = $service->getQueue('{queueName}');

Post new message

This operation posts the specified message or messages. You can submit up to 10 messages in a single request.

When posting new messages, you specify only the body and ttl for the message. The API will insert metadata, such as ID and age.

How you pass through the array structure depends on whether you are executing multiple or single posts, but the keys are the same:

  • The body attribute specifies an arbitrary document that constitutes the body of the message being sent. The size of this body is limited to 256 KB, excluding whitespace.
  • The ttl attribute specifies how long the server waits before marking the message as expired and removing it from the queue. The value of ttl must be between 60 and 1209600 seconds (14 days). Note that the server might not actually delete the message until its age has reached up to (ttl + 60) seconds, to allow for flexibility in storage implementations.

Posting a single message

use OpenCloud\Common\Constants\Datetime;

    'body' => (object) array(
        'event'    => 'BackupStarted',
        'deadline' => '26.12.2013',
    'ttl'  => 2 * Datetime::DAY

Get the executable PHP script for this example

Post a batch of messages

Please note that the list of messages will be truncated at 10. For more, please execute another method call.

use OpenCloud\Common\Constants\Datetime;

$messages = array(
        'body' => (object) array(
            'play' => 'football'
        'ttl'  => 2 * Datetime::DAY
        'body' => (object) array(
            'play' => 'tennis'
        'ttl'  => 50 * Datetime::HOUR


Get messages

This operation gets the message or messages in the specified queue.

Message IDs and markers are opaque strings. Clients should make no assumptions about their format or length. Furthermore, clients should assume that there is no relationship between markers and message IDs (that is, one cannot be derived from the other). This allows for a wide variety of storage driver implementations.

Results are ordered by age, oldest message first.


When retrieving messages, you can filter using these options:

$messages = $queue->listMessages(array(
    'marker' => '51db6f78c508f17ddc924357',
    'limit'  => 20,
    'echo'   => true

foreach ($messages as $message) {
    echo $message->getId() . PHP_EOL;

Get a set of messages by ID

This operation provides a more efficient way to query multiple messages compared to using a series of individual GET. Note that the list of IDs cannot exceed 20. If a malformed ID or a nonexistent message ID is provided, it is ignored, and the remaining messages are returned.


$ids = array('id_1', 'id_2');

$messages = $queue->listMessages(array('ids' => $ids));

foreach ($messages as $message) {
    echo $message->getId() . PHP_EOL;

Delete a set of messages by ID

This operation immediately deletes the specified messages. If any of the message IDs are malformed or non-existent, they are ignored. The remaining valid messages IDs are deleted.

$ids = array('id_1', 'id_2');
$response = $queue->deleteMessages($ids);

Get a specific message

This operation gets the specified message from the specified queue.

/** @var $message OpenCloud\Queues\Message */
$message = $queue->getMessage('{messageId}');

Once you have access to the Message object, you access its attributes:

attribute method description
href getHref An opaque relative URI that the client can use to uniquely identify a message resource and interact with it.
ttl getTtl The TTL that was set on the message when it was posted. The message expires after (ttl - age) seconds.
age getAge The number of seconds relative to the server’s clock.
body getBody The arbitrary document that was submitted with the original request to post the message.

Delete message
