
An Orchestration template is a JSON or YAML document that describes how a set of resources should be assembled to produce a working deployment (known as a stack). The template specifies the resources to use, the attributes of these resources that are parameterized and the information that is sent to the user when a template is instantiated.

Validating templates

Before you use a template to create a stack, you might want to validate it.

Validate a template from a file

If your template is stored on your local computer as a JSON or YAML file, you can validate it as shown in the following example:

use OpenCloud\Common\Exceptions\InvalidTemplateError;

try {
        'template' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/lamp.yaml')
} catch (InvalidTemplateError $e) {
    // Use $e->getMessage() for explanation of why template is invalid

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Validate Template from URL

If your template is stored as a JSON or YAML file in a remote location accessible via HTTP or HTTPS, you can validate it as shown in the following example:

use OpenCloud\Common\Exceptions\InvalidTemplateError;

try {
        'templateUrl' => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rackspace-orchestration-templates/lamp/master/lamp.yaml'
} catch (InvalidTemplateError $e) {
    // Use $e->getMessage() for explanation of why template is invalid

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