Security Groups

Create a security group

This operation takes one parameter, an associative array, with the following keys:

Name Description Data type Required? Default value Example value
name A human-readable name for the security group. This name might not be unique. String Yes
description Description of the security group. String No null security group for webservers

You can create a security group as shown in the following example:

/** @var $securityGroup OpenCloud\Networking\Resource\SecurityGroup **/
$securityGroup = $networkingService->createSecurityGroup(array(
    'name' => 'new-webservers',
    'description' => 'security group for webservers'

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List security groups

You can list all the security groups to which you have access as shown in the following example:

$securityGroups = $networkingService->listSecurityGroups();
foreach ($securityGroups as $securityGroup) {
    /** @var $securityGroup OpenCloud\Networking\Resource\SecurityGroup **/

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Get a security group

You can retrieve a specific security group by using that security group’s ID, as shown in the following example:

/** @var $securityGroup OpenCloud\Networking\Resource\SecurityGroup **/
$securityGroup = $networkingService->getSecurityGroup('{secGroupId}');

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Delete a security group

You can delete a security group as shown in the following example:


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