
A notification is a destination to send an alarm; it can be a variety of different types, and will evolve over time.

For instance, with a webhook type notification, Cloud Monitoring posts JSON formatted data to a user-specified URL on an alert condition (Check goes from OK -> CRITICAL and so on).

Get notification

$notification = $service->getNotification('{id}');

Once you have access to a OpenCloud\Monitoring\Resource\Notification object, these are the attributes available for use:

Name Description Data type Method
details A hash of notification specific details based on the notification type. Array getDetails()
label Friendly name for the notification. String (1..255 chars) getLabel()
type The notification type to send. String. Either webhook, email, or pagerduty getType()

Creating notifications

The first thing to do when creating a new notification is configure the parameters which will define the behaviour of your resource:

$params = array(
    'label' => 'My webhook #1',
    'type'  => 'webhook',
    'details' => array(
        'url' => ''

Test parameters

Once this is done, it is often useful to test them out to check whether they will result in a successful creation:

// Test it
$response = $notification->testParams($params);

if ($response->status == 'Success') {
    echo $response->message;

Send parameters

When you’re happy with the parameters you’ve defined, you can complete the operation by sending them to the API like so:


Test existing notification

$response = $notification->testExisting(true);
echo $response->debug_info;

List Notifications

$notifications = $service->getNotifications();

foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
    echo $notification->getId();

Update a Notification

    'label' => 'New notification label'

Delete a Notification


Notification types

Rackspace Cloud Monitoring currently supports the following notification types:

Industry-standard web hooks, where JSON is posted to a configurable URL. It has these attributes:

Name Description Data type
address Email address to send notifications to Valid email

Email alerts where the message is delivered to a specified address. It has these attributes:

Name Description Data type
url An HTTP or HTTPS URL to POST to Valid URL


If you’ve already set up a main Notification object, and want to access functionality for this Notification’s particular Notification Type, you can access its property:

$type = $notification->getNotificationType();

Alternatively, you can retrieve an independent resource using the ID:

$typeId = 'pagerduty';
$type = $service->getNotificationType($typeId);

List all possible notification types

$types = $service->getNotificationTypes();

foreach ($types as $type) {
    echo sprintf('%s %s', $type->getName(), $type->getDescription());

Notification plans

A notification plan contains a set of notification actions that Rackspace Cloud Monitoring executes when triggered by an alarm. Rackspace Cloud Monitoring currently supports webhook and email notifications.

Each notification state can contain multiple notification actions. For example, you can create a notification plan that hits a webhook/email to notify your operations team if a warning occurs. However, if the warning escalates to an Error, the notification plan could be configured to hit a different webhook/email that triggers both email and SMS messages to the operations team. The notification plan supports the following states:

  • Critical
  • Warning
  • OK

A notification plan, npTechnicalContactsEmail, is provided by default which will email all of the technical contacts on file for an account whenever there is a state change.

Get a notification plan

$plan = $service->getNotificationPlan('{planId}');

Once you have access to a OpenCloud\\Monitoring\\Resource\\NotificationPlan object, you can access these resources:

Name Description Required? Data type Method
label Friendly name for the notification plan. Required String (1..255 chars) getLabel()
critical_state The notification list to send to when the state is CRITICAL. Optional Array getCriticalState()
ok_state The notification list to send to when the state is OK. Optional Array getOkState()
warning_state The notification list to send to when the state is WARNING. Optional Array getWarningState()

Create Notification Plan

    'label'          => 'New Notification Plan',
    'critical_state' => array('ntAAAA'),
    'ok_state'       => array('ntBBBB'),
    'warning_state'  => array('ntCCCC')

Update notification plan

    'label' => 'New label for my plan'

Delete notification plan


Alarm Notification History

The monitoring service keeps a record of notifications sent for each alarm. This history is further subdivided by the check on which the notification occurred. Every attempt to send a notification is recorded, making this history a valuable tool in diagnosing issues with unreceived notifications, in addition to offering a means of viewing the history of an alarm’s statuses.

Alarm notification history is accessible as a Time Series Collection. By default alarm notification history is stored for 30 days and the API queries the last 7 days of information.


In order to interact with this feature, you must first retrieve an entity by its ID:

$entity = $service->getEntity('{entityId}');

and then a particular check, about which you can configure alarms:

$check = $entity->getCheck('{checkId}');

and finally, retrieve the alarm:

$alarm = $check->getAlarm('{alarmId}');

For more information about these resource types, please consult the documentation about entities and checks.

Discover which Checks have a Notification History

This operation list checks for which alarm notification history is available:

$checks = $alarm->getRecordedChecks();

List Alarm Notification History for a particular Check

$checkHistory = $alarm->getNotificationHistoryForCheck('chAAAA');

Get a particular Notification History item

$checkId  = 'chAAAA';
$itemUuid = '646ac7b0-0b34-11e1-a0a1-0ff89fa2fa26';

$singleItem = $history->getNotificationHistoryItem($checkId, $itemUuid);