
An entity is the target of what you are monitoring. For example, you can create an entity to monitor your website, a particular web service, or your Rackspace server. Note that an entity represents only one item in the monitoring system – if you wanted to monitor each server in a cluster, you would create an entity for each of the servers. You would not create a single entity to represent the entire cluster.

An entity can have multiple checks associated with it. This allows you to check multiple services on the same host by creating multiple checks on the same entity, instead of multiple entities each with a single check.

Create Entity

    'label' => 'Brand New Entity',
    'ip_addresses' => array(
        'default' => '',
        'b'       => '',
        'c'       => '',
        'test'    => ''
    'metadata' => array(
        'all'  => 'kinds',
        'of'   => 'stuff',
        'can'  => 'go',
        'here' => 'null is not a valid value'

Retrive an entity

$entity = $service->getEntity('{entityId}');


Name Description Data type Method
label Defines a name for the entity. String (1..255 chars) getLabel()
agent_id Agent to which this entity is bound to. String matching the regex: /^[-\.\w]{1,255}$/ getAgentId()
ip_addresses Hash of IP addresses that can be referenced by checks on this entity. Array getIpAddresses()
metadata Arbitrary key/value pairs that are passed during the alerting phase. OpenCloud\Common\Metadata getMetadata()

Update an entity

    'label' => 'New label for my entity'

Delete entity
