Statistics and Usage Reports


In order to interact with this feature you must first retrieve a particular load balancer, like so:

$loadBalancer = $service->loadBalancer('{id}');

Retrieve LB stats

You can retrieve detailed stats about your load balancer, including the following information:

  • connectTimeOut – Connections closed by this load balancer because the ‘connect_timeout’ interval was exceeded.
  • connectError – Number of transaction or protocol errors in this load balancer.
  • connectFailure – Number of connection failures in this load balancer.
  • dataTimedOut – Connections closed by this load balancer because the ‘timeout’ interval was exceeded.
  • keepAliveTimedOut – Connections closed by this load balancer because the ‘keepalive_timeout’ interval was exceeded.
  • maxConn – Maximum number of simultaneous TCP connections this load balancer has processed at any one time.
/** @var $stats OpenCloud\LoadBalancer\Resource\Stats **/
$stats = $loadBalancer->stats();

Usage Reports

The load balancer usage reports provide a view of all transfer activity, average number of connections, and number of virtual IPs associated with the load balancing service. Current usage represents all usage recorded within the preceding 24 hours. Values for both incomingTransfer and outgoingTransfer are expressed in bytes transferred.

The optional startTime and endTime parameters can be used to filter all usage. If the startTime parameter is supplied but the endTime parameter is not, then all usage beginning with the startTime will be provided. Likewise, if the endTime parameter is supplied but the startTime parameter is not, then all usage will be returned up to the endTime specified.

# View billable LBs
$billable = $service->billableLoadBalancerList();

foreach ($billable as $loadBalancer) {
   /** @var $loadBalancer OpenCloud\LoadBalancer\Resource\LoadBalancer **/

   # View usage
   /** @var $usage OpenCloud\LoadBalancer\Resource\UsageRecord **/
   $usage = $loadBalancer->usage();

   echo $usage->averageNumConnections, PHP_EOL;