Sharing images

Images can be created and deleted by image producers, updated by image consumers, and listed by both image producers and image consumers:

Operation Producer can? Consumer can?
Created Yes No
Deleted Yes No
Updated No Yes
Listed Yes Yes

The producer shares an image with the consumer by making the consumer a member of that image. The consumer then accepts or rejects the image by changing the member status. Once accepted, the image appears in the consumer’s image list.

Typical workflow

  1. The producer posts the availability of specific images on a public website.
  2. A potential consumer provides the producer with his/her tenant ID and email address.
  3. The producer `creates a new Image Member <>`__ with the consumer’s details
  4. The producer notifies the consumer via email that the image has been shared and provides the image’s ID.
  5. If the consumer wishes the image to appear in his/her image list, the consumer `updates their own Member status <>`__ to ACCEPTED.

Additional notes

  • If the consumer subsequently wishes to hide the image, the consumer can change their Member status to REJECTED.
  • If the consumer wishes to hide the image, but is open to the possibility of being reminded by the producer that the image is available, the consumer can change their Member status to PENDING.
  • Image producers add or remove image members, but may not modify the member status of an image member.
  • Image consumers change their own member status, but may not add or remove themselves as an image member.
  • Image consumers can boot from any image shared by the image producer, regardless of the member status, as long as the image consumer knows the image ID.


All member operations are executed against an Image, so you will need to set one up first:

$image = $service->getImage('{imageId}');

List image members

This operation is available for both producers and consumers.

$members = $image->listMembers();

foreach ($members as $member) {
    /** @param $member OpenCloud\Image\Resource\Member */

Create image member

This operation is only available for producers.

/** @param $response Guzzle\Http\Message\Response */
$response = $image->createMember('{tenantId}');

Delete image member

This operation is only available for producers.

/** @param $member OpenCloud\Image\Resource\Member */
$member = $image->getMember('{tenantId}');

Update image member status

This operation is only available for consumers.

use OpenCloud\Images\Enum\MemberStatus;

/** @param $member OpenCloud\Image\Resource\Member */
$member = $image->getMember('{tenantId}');


The acceptable states you may pass in are made available to you through the constants defined in the OpenCloud\Images\Enum\MemberStatus class.