
Object properties/methods

Property Description Getter Setter
id The unique ID for this user getId() setId()
username Username for this user getUsername() setUsername()
email User’s email address getEmail() setEmail()
enabled Whether or not this user can consume API functionality getEnabled() or isEnabled() setEnabled()
password Either a user-defined string, or an automatically generated one, that provides security when authenticating. getPassword() only valid on creation setPassword() to set local property only. To set password on API (retention), use updatePassword().
defaultRegion Default region associates a user with a specific regional datacenter. If a default region has been assigned for this user and that user has NOT explicitly specified a region when creating a service object, the user will obtain the service from the default region. getDefaultRegion() setDefaultRegion()
domainId Domain ID associates a user with a specific domain which was assigned when the user was created or updated. A domain establishes an administrative boundary for a customer and a container for a customer’s tenants (accounts) and users. Generally, a domainId is the same as the primary tenant id of your cloud account. getDomainId() setDomainId()

List users

$users = $service->getUsers();

foreach ($users as $user) {
   // ...

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Retrieve a user by username

$user = $service->getUser('jamie');

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Retrieve a user by user ID

use OpenCloud\Identity\Constants\User as UserConst;

$user = $service->getUser('{userId}', UserConst::MODE_ID);

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Retrieve a user by email address

use OpenCloud\Identity\Constants\User as UserConst;

$user = $service->getUser('{emailAddress}', UserConst::MODE_EMAIL);

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Create user

There are a few things to bear in mind when creating a user:

  • This operation is available only to users who hold the identity:user-admin role. This admin can create a user who holds the identity:default user role.
  • The created user will have access to APIs but will not have access to the Cloud Control Panel.
  • A maximum of 100 account users can be added per account.
  • If you attempt to add a user who already exists, an HTTP error 409 results.

The username and email properties are required for creating a user. Providing a password is optional; if omitted, one will be automatically generated and provided in the response.

use Guzzle\Http\Exception\ClientErrorResponseException;

 $user = $service->createUser(array(
    'username' => 'newUser',
    'email'    => ''

// show generated password
echo $user->getPassword();

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Update user

When updating a user, specify which attribute/property you want to update:

   'email' => ''

Updating a user password

Updating a user password requires calling a distinct method:


List credentials

This operation allows you to see your non-password credential types for all authentication methods available.

$creds = $user->getOtherCredentials();

Get user API key

echo $user->getApiKey();

Reset user API key

When resetting an API key, a new one will be automatically generated for you:

echo $user->getApiKey();

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