

Images on Rackspace servers: with standard servers, the entire disk (OS and data) is captured in the image. With Performance servers, only the s ystem disk is captured in the image. The data disks should be backed up using Cloud Backup or Cloud Block Storage to ensure availability in case you need to rebuild or restore a server.

List images

Below is the simplest usage for retrieving a list of images:

$images = $service->imageList();

foreach ($images as $image) {


Get the executable PHP script for this example

Detailed results

By default, the only fields returned in a list call are id and name, but you can enable more detailed information to be result by passing in true as the first argument of the call, like so:

$images = $service->imageList(true);


You can also refine the list of images returned by providing specific filters:

Array key Description
server Filters the list of images by server. Specify the server reference by ID or by full URL.
name Filters the list of images by image name.
status Filters the list of images by status. In-flight images have a status of SAVING and the conditional progress element contains a value from 0 to 100, which indicates the percentage completion. For a full list, please consult the OpenCloud\Compute\Constants\ImageState class. Images with an ACTIVE status are available for use.
changes-since Filters the list of images to those that have changed since the changes-since time. See the official docs for more information.
marker The ID of the last item in the previous list. See the official docs for more information.
limit Sets the page size. See the official docs for more information.
type Filters base Rackspace images or any custom server images that you have created. Can either be BASE or SNAPSHOT.

These are defined in an array and passed in as the second argument. For example, to filter images for a particular server:

$images = $service->imageList(false, array('server' => '{serverId}'));

Retrieve details about an image

$image = $service->image('{imageId}');

Delete an image
