$invoice_number_label: $number
$invoice_date_label: $date
$invoice_due_date_label: $due_date
{{-- column variables: date discount product_key notes cost quantity tax_name1 tax_name2 line_total custom_label1 ( will show as the following parameter as its value -> custom_invoice_value1 ) custom_label2 ( will show as the following parameter as its value -> custom_invoice_value2 ) custom_label3 ( will show as the following parameter as its value -> custom_invoice_value3 ) custom_label4 ( will show as the following parameter as its value -> custom_invoice_value4 ) --}} {!! $invoice->table(['product_key', 'notes', 'cost','quantity', 'discount', 'tax_name1', 'line_total']) !!}
{{-- line_taxes html is populated server side, with a class of line_items, you can customise your CSS here to override the defaults--}} $line_taxes
$subtotal_label: $subtotal
$taxes_label: $taxes
$discount_label: $discount
$total_label: $total
$balance_label: $balance