Caching credentials =================== You can speed up your API operations by caching your credentials in a (semi-)permanent location, such as your DB or local filesystem. This enable subsequent requests to access a shared resource, instead of repetitively having to re-authenticate on every thread of execution. Tokens are valid for 24 hours, so you can effectively re-use the same cached value for that period. If you try to use a cached version that has expired, an authentication request will be made. Filesystem example ------------------ In this example, credentials will be saved to a file in the local filesystem. Be sure to exclude it from your VCS. .. code-block:: php use OpenCloud\Rackspace; $client = new Rackspace(Rackspace::US_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT, array( 'username' => 'foo', 'apiKey' => 'bar' )); $cacheFile = __DIR__ . '/.opencloud_token'; // If the cache file exists, try importing it into the client if (file_exists($cacheFile)) { $data = unserialize(file_get_contents($cacheFile)); $client->importCredentials($data); } $token = $client->getTokenObject(); // If no token exists, or the current token is expired, re-authenticate and save the new token to disk if (!$token || ($token && $token->hasExpired())) { $client->authenticate(); file_put_contents($cacheFile, serialize($client->exportCredentials())); } In tests, the above code shaved about 1-2s off the execution time.